
September 3, 2011

Drum Roll Please

Put on your party hats, ladies & gents, cause we did it... 

LatchKey Photography now has some real estate over at Facebook 
(Not gonna lie, its sorta like being rock stars!  Just sayin'...)

Feel free to join our party going on over there, by giving LatchKey a "Like" over in our sidebar to the right.  Plus, keep your FB eyes peeled for some of our all-time favorite LKP images popping up over there, not to mention future contests, giveaways, mini-shoot schedule announcements, and special booking opportunities!

P.S.  LatchKey Photography gift certificates have finally gone to press.  We'll let you know once we've got them in our hot little hands.... we'll probably mention their arrival both here & over at Facebook, so ya'll won't have to fret about missing the big news!  ::phew::