There are many great pairs out there, like Bert & Ernie... peanut-butter & jelly... salt & pepper. Less than minutes around these two, and it is obvious that they have found their equal in each other. Not equal in the sense of a carbon-copy of each other, instead they compliment one another. Where one may struggle with a weakness, that area seems to be the other's strength, and vice versa. It was a privilege to witness their happiness together.
We've photographed these two earlier this year, however, sadly they were again in town this month for the funeral of C's mom. Despite the heartbreaking tragedy, rather than dwell in complete mourning, they wanted to instead honor her mother by capturing the moment as she had always taught. Therefore we couldn't pass up the opportunity to take portraits of them together in their dress uniforms. In the wake of heartache, happiness silently stands by waiting for the clouds to part. Together, T & C will continue to shelter one another from the storms & dance in the light along the road of life.