
September 1, 2013

Eastern WA Photographer | New Season = New STYLE!

Summer of 2013 can do down in the history books as one of our unforseen most-busiest summers ever!  Busy is good.  Busy teaches us where we need to streamline.  Busy teaches us what our strengths AND weaknesses are.  Busy teaches us the value of what we do, as well as the time we spend doing it.  Busy also teaches us the need for clearer communications.

One of those areas in need of streamlining & clear communications in with our Senior portraits.  So to help with that, we discovered a convenient method of getting crucial info to our Seniors and their parents.  LKP now offers a "What to Wear" guide when you click below:

And speaking of STYLE, since everyone wants to feel as stylish as possible to ensure they get the full rockstar or supermodel experience out of their LatchKey Photography session, we now have a stylist whose primping expertise is now part of our LKP Senior packages.  HOORRAY!  She is a doll and we're positive you'll love her as much as we do!  Each new package allows for easier customization, since each person & their portrait needs are different.  Senior pricing can be found when you click below:

So excited for the new ways we get to get creative together!